Friday, August 5, 2011

Baby Shower Eve

It's the day before our baby shower and we have a ton to do! I'm leaving the office early for a midwife appointment and I'm pretty excited about it. I think she is going to check Sienna's position and if I've started dilating yet. After our appointment we have to gather all of the baby shower items that have taken over the baby's room and bring them over to my uncle's house, where we're having the shower. We decided to rent a few tables and chairs, so once they are delivered we'll start setting everything up. After that, we have to rush home to make our favors, which is going to require help from 2 of our bestest friends and 2 microwaves... it's gonna be interesting!

I'm so excited for tomorrow! Bring on the hugs, kisses and belly rubs! Oh, and cake :)
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

This isn't the best picture but I wanted to show you how I spent my evening yesterday, putting together bags of cotton candy for the shower. It was a bit time consuming and very sticky but they turned out adorable! Yum!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Lego Skull

Attention: Daddy's, Uncle's, Brother's... heck, anyone!
Check out a fun post over at ohdeedoh with instructions to construct a Lego skull!

Show your BUMP!

I was just informed that MY bump was featured on my very favorite baby blog! How amazing is that?! Check out Spearmint Baby to see the pictures and the rest of Shari's awesome posts... Mama's you are going to absolutely love her blog!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday's To-Do List

Baby Shower Prep...

On my lunch break:
-Buy; ribbon, toothpicks, drinks, candy

After work:
-Buy a ton of food
-Make room in the fridge for all of the food we buy
-Figure out how I'm going to make the baby shower favors
-Do a couple loads of laundry because I won't have time to the rest of the week
-Find a cute dress for me to wear to the shower... the belly outgrew all of my dresses :/
-Make the Hub get a haircut, he's got a pretty sweet afro at the moment

We have so much to do before Saturday, this week is going to fly by! Before we know it, it will be Baby Shower time! So exciting :) I can't wait to see all of our family and friends!