While preparing for this baby to come, I've learned a LOT! I have done a ton of reading and researching. I've talked to so many moms about their birthing experiences and what they liked/disliked about it. One of the most surprising things that I've learned so far is that when it comes to the actual birthing process, you have so many options to choose from. Really? Yes, really. For example, you don't HAVE to have your baby at a hospital... sounds crazy huh! You can opt for a home delivery with the help of a midwife. Another choice is to give birth at a birthing center (which is a hospital-like facility with a home-like feel) with the help of a midwife. Or you can have your little one at a hospital, which of course is the most common. Also, you have choices as to HOW you want to give birth. Really? Yes, really! Would you feel most comfortable laying back on a hospital bed, most women do. Or does a warm birthing pool sound relaxing to help ease through contractions? Does an epidural to dull the pain sound perfect for you? Or perhaps (dare I say) a NATURAL birth sound like its right for you and your little one? This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as options go!
It makes me sad to think that a lot of women out there don't know about all of the options they have. Take a moment to read about them, ask about them, find out what is right for you and your child.
In my recent experiences with moms and women in general, I've found out that there are two types of people....
Some women are going to ask you what choices you've made or what "plan" you are going with. When you start to tell them, if your plans are different in any way from what theirs are, they will immediately take offense and sometimes even try to tell you how wrong you and your choices are. Ladies, just because my plans are different than yours, doesn't mean I am saying that you are wrong, stop being so sensitive! There is no reason to feel the need to defend your choices. We are all entitled to our own opinions. One thing may work great for me, my husband and little one, but that doesn't mean it will work for your family. I understand that, why can't you? Let me choose what makes me feel comfortable and happy and you do the same. Jeez!
Then, there are other women who hear what your plans and choices are and are genuinely happy for you. They don't judge you, even if their plans are completely opposite of yours. They know that you are comfortable and confident with the decisions you are making. These women are few and far between, but they are out there... and we need more like them!
We all need to be open minded, there is no ONE right way to do things, so don't rain on anyone's parade. Your decisions are not better than anyone elses. Listen with an open heart, you just might learn something new.
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