My Sleeping Beauty
Cali helping me unload the dishwasher :)

This is what most mornings look like for me, a very different pace from just a few months ago. Somehow, this new pace is slower and faster all at the same time. It's a whole new kind of work, but now there are no breaks! I'm falling into my new role, getting use to being at home and really loving it! Before Sienna was here, I wondered if I ever was a Stay-at home-Mom, would I truly feel fulfilled with life, would that be enough? Now I look back at myself and think how RIDICULOUS I was to even have that thought! Being a mother is the most fulfilling job you could ever have! At the end of everyday my heart is so full of love and pride for my daughter, she is the meaning of life and we live every moment for her. Each day is a new opportunity to teach her something new, see her grow a little bit bigger, become even smarter than the day before. Right now I have the best job ever! The day will come when I will go back to work, but until then I am absolutely loving being a wife and mother, dedicating my time to my family. I never thought I'd have this opportunity so I feel really blessed.
Things are going really well, the hubby is working hard while I hold down the fort, he's amazing! Sienna is settling into her schedule and things seem to be getting easier everyday. She has finally started going to bed earlier, anywhere from 8pm-10pm, much better than midnight-2am! We aren't doing anything differently that is contributing to an earlier bedtime, same routine as always. I kept thinking that there was something that we could do to put her to bed (at a time we wanted), but really we had to wait for her to regulate her own sleeping pattern. Basically, we had to wait for her to tune her internal clock. She is now taking much shorter naps during the day and sleeping longer at night, hallelujah! Now that my average nights sleep is more than 4 hours (more like 6+) I feel like a new woman! It's amazing what a few more hours of sleep can do. I hated when people would say, "Just wait, it will get better". I would think, WHEN?! Can you give me an approximate date? Well, I guess the three month mark was it for Sienna, thank goodness!
Now, onto the next hurdle... teething.