Monday, May 17, 2010

Last Night I...

Opened a bottle of red wine that I've had for a few months and tried to enjoy a glass. Long story short, plugging your nose, drinking it quickly or adding a splash of grape juice still doesn't make red wine enjoyable! I poured the entire bottle down the drain. I'll stick to my white wine.

Had the house to myself for the first time in a really long time. I lit yummy smelling candles in every room, turned off all of the lights and watch really girly stuff on TV. It was amazing!

Walked from room to room, staring at every detail... I fell in love with my home for the 10th time in the past week. I love when that happens :)

Is Anyone Out There?

I really love to blog but sometimes I wonder, who reads this stuff anyway? I've only given my URL out to my closest girl friends and family members. I know I have a few loyal readers but sometimes I can't help but feel like this whole blog thing is pointless. It seems like all of my thoughts are just released into this empty space, left to drift off into the dark distance. Most posts I feel like I am just writing to myself. To me, blogging is almost like having an imaginary friend and that imaginary friend is me in some alternate universe.

Even though I feel this way, for some odd reason I can't stop blogging.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Honeymoon

Hello my ladies!
As most of you know, Isaac and I are going on a Mediterranean cruise for our honeymoon. If you want all of the juicy details, take a look at our honeymoon registry website. Instead of registering for houseware items we went with something a bit different...
Check it out! View Our Honeymoon Registry

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wedding Update

I found our wedding photographers! I've been getting to know them a bit via email for a few weeks now, I'll finally be sending our contract and deposit to them tomorrow! They are a young (and fabulous) husband and wife team, I couldn't be happier with who we chose!

We'll be booking our honeymoon cruise any MINUTE, I'm waiting for a call from our travel agent. SoOoOo EXCITING!

Today we're meeting with the DJ :)

I'm picking up our engagement photo CD tomorrow, I can't wait to frame all of those gorgeous pictures!

We'll be meeting with a florist sometime next week, hopefully he's in our price range! Once we pick our florist we will have ALL of our vendors!

What's next? Engagement party, invitations, favors, linens, reception decor, cake, bridal party attire... plus a billion more things. Hey, you only get married once, so I'm going with the flow and making sure I enjoy every aspect of this :) It's been fun so far, very busy but fun!